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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Illustration Friday: Poof

Here's something I did a while back that matches this week's word. This is dedicated to all you stock market junkies out there. Who remembers the stock crash of the 20's? If you do, you'd be in your 80s or 90s. More power to ya, it's great that you use the internet! For us 40 somethings, we surely remember the crash of the 80's. That was certainly something to remember, wasn't it?


Bella Sinclair said...

I feel your pain! You've got all the components of *poof*ing money just right. Great illo!

neilornstein said...

In 2001 I tried to end it all by jumping out of the window of a bungalow.

INDIGENE said...

Sure I remember and I was glad I hid my money in my mattress! lol!
But it hasn't stop disappearing; now make the gas prices go poof and you're a millionaire!

Kathy said...

Awesome rendition of the word! Wow I can feel his stres through the image. Yikeys!!

Alicia Padrón said...

I really like your line work and the way your rendered this illo. The guy is awesome by the way he, he :o)

Juan said...

Fantastic. Great piece!

Josh (musarter) said...

You made me laugh. That expression is priceless.